What to Wear for Your Engagement Session | Minneapolis Couples Portrait Photography

What to Wear for Your Engagement or Couples Session

You’ve scheduled your couples portrait or engagement session. Now what should you wear? Should you dress like you do every day, or kick it up a notch or three?

Minneapolis Engagement Session Couples Portraits Lauren B. Photography St. Anthony Main 1.jpg

Be and dress like you!

First, please know that these are more guidelines than rules, and all can be successfully disregarded. The most important thing is to just be and dress like you! Seriously. Feeling good in what you’re in takes precedence over everything else. In case that’s not quite enough guidance, here are some more tips:

We want to keep the focus on the two you and your relationship. In order to help do that:

  • Avoid distracting or busy patterns or logos. 

  • Avoid very bright colors. “Hot” colors like magenta or neons don’t always get along well with the camera and can be distracting.

  • Go easy on white. A white shirt under a jacket is totally great.

  • Coordinate and compliment, certainly, but there’s no need to match

  • Add a pop of color for some flair if you like, and texture is great for black and white images.

  • 95% of fashion/accessory/jewelry questions are personal preference (my observation and not a real statistic), so go with what you like.

Minneapolis Engagement Session Couples Portraits Lauren B. Photography Walker Art Center Winter 4.jpg
Minneapolis Studio Couples Maternity Portrait Session Black and White Lauren B Photography

Have more questions or want to set up your couples or engagement session? I’d love to learn about your preferences and can suggest locations, etc. Feel free to get in touch!

In the meantime, here are some clothing tips geared towards Headshots, too. ;)

Minneapolis Couples Maternity Fall Portrait Session St Anthony Main Lauren B Photography

How many outfits?

If you’re a “one and done” couple, that’s awesome - we’ll get lots of variety and options with the outfit you arrive in. Two outfits is also great - perhaps one more casual and one a little dressier. Here is an opportunity to bring in some variety.  

Dress for the location - or not!

Generally the rule is to dress for the location (jeans and tees for a park, semi formal for an art gallery or theater). That said, sometimes a gown in a field is just what is called for. Why not?! 

Which brings me back to the number one most important thing:

Always, always wear something you’re comfortable and feel great in.

Minneapolis Engagement Session Couples Portraits Lauren B. Photography Studio Anniversary 5.jpg